jfholm wrote:It is changing I hope. I have a lot of friends that think the same way you do. Let's hope for a change come election time!
Unfortunately the election process itself is now so totally corrupted and meaningless, I don't see that as being even the beginning of a solution.
Remember Ron Paul, probably Americas last real hope...
With either Jeb or Hillary as President it will be totaly corrupt business as usual, only worse.
Only thing that can possibly save America now is a military coup.
And Obummer (or whoever he really is) is busy right now cleaning out any possible opposition in the military, just to make sure.
Only thing that can even begin to heal America might be:
Total overhaul of the entire electoral process with a full paper trail.
Abolition of the Federal Reserve bank, and the IRS.
Total overhaul at every level of law enforcement and the entire Justice system.
Complete cleanout of the sixteen US intelligence agencies.
Round up all the traitors and spies working for Israel and deport them.
Clean out all the corrupt bankers and Wall Street thieves.
Cut down the military industrial complex to reasonable size, and get the US economy off a war footing.
Break up all the large multinational corporations and monopolies and force them to pay a fair level of tax.
Cut down the size of Federal Government and return power to the States.
Return to the spirit and intent of the original US constitution as the bedrock and basis of all future law.
Some of this is simply not enough. It has to be ALL of the above and much more....
And it just ain't gona happen.......
Vlad Putin started out with some similar problems of theft and corruption.
Through sheer strength of character and by placing many former KGB coleagues, whose courage, uncorruptibility, and loyalty to Russia were already well proven, into key regional political positions (there were hundreds of them spread all throughout the vast Russian nation) he set about cleaning out the filth.
Much of that same filth ended up living in London, Tel Aviv and Washington.
He cleaned out the Mafia, the international bankers, Freemasons, and Zionists, and other corrupt parasites, and the Russian economy has never looked back.
Vlad Putin also championed the Russian Orthodox Church and principles of community morality generally. The exact opposite of what is now occuring throughout America.
Maybe this could also happen in America some day, but I cannot see anyone of sufficient stature and integrity to effectively do the job surviving assasination.
JFK being the example of what would likely follow.
Also known as the infamous "Warpspeed" on some other Forums.